Because there is a guy that i chased down and pked for calling me. my friends. my guild stuff..... so i thought you are him and want to get me out so i wont hand his behind to him no more... What is your name in game btw?
Yeah..... that was rly random cuz i was in kitty shop for a while lol... and its not matter of 1 person hacking the system it was a glitch that was made during the patching (as far as people say). And 1 more thing.. Divine.. what is your name in game?
Dude no idea wat u talking about... u sure it was xXxFlexXx? im not the only flex on the game... next thing is i got a spurred kirin... so why would i need a panther??? and i did have a panther.... the first person that pmed me i bought it from so stop trying to lie.
This is xXxFlexXx......... lol that person Divine that posted saying that i might be involved is just a guy who got killed by me couple of times for talking bad to my guild, friends and calling me stuff.... that is why he is trying to get me out of this game, so i wont be owning him no more