solo mode 1-1 is worth it seeing as a sub cost 65k and an edge is worth 45k and drums r good profit for somthing that takes 30min?
someone gave answer
i click link and it said no information...
lol there wanted in parties?b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
-sigh- so many useless people...please only post on this thread if you know what im talking about
title said it.... its called a knowlin...
i used Acalanatha Wand at lvl 70-80 then switched to glavies of divinity and then from 79 up to now i used that at 89 i plan to get requiem blade and i was thinking of getting wraith conquerer but then again im a veno so do venos really need -%channel?
im not an expericied wizard but i think you should defnetily max gush and pyrogram allso if u plan to pvp defnetily sandstorm
wheel of fate is worth 900k-1.5m and the -3% chan is good for wizards
only 540k???? lol harshlands peaked to 610k...
thxb:thanks b:chuckle b:chuckle and completely agree its most defnetily by force
duh thats the are the steps prices increase shoppers throw party 3.non cash shoppers enter the depression 4.non cash shoppers start turning into cash shoppers 5.pwe makes more money 6.pwe throws party prices start to go down 8.pwe becomes sad shoppers become sad 10.non cash shoppers…