i tried that, but i have one last question, when i download ARC, do i have to download pwi with it? because it says its already downloaded, but all i downloaded was ARC and i completely removed PWI from before, now its just the ARC, is there another part im missing here?
how do i submit a ticket?
ok, when i open arc and sign in, the only thing i have on my list is pwi, i havent downloaded any other games, and when i click on "play" the icon on my bottom row pops up for a brief second, and then disappears and nothing happens, when i click on "play" again, it says " cannot launch the game again while its running,…
ive tried that, nothing happens, it says "repairing arc" and then the window disappears and it still doesnt work
ive done that, when i click on "play" on the arc list for pwi, nothing comes up, but it still claims that its playing! and sometimes i can even hear the sound of it, but dont see anything, can anyone help me here? i dont wan tto stop playing pwi..
Well I'm a cleric and from what I've seen clerics can usually make good money by tagging along on a quest with someone else and offering quick healing, protection, and reviving etc etc
Is there any other effective ways to make money? Or maybe an easier skill? One that's easier and just as prophitable to gather for
Not only do clerics kick butt after you level up a bit but everyone asks for one, they make great money just following people on quests , reviving etc etc lol