why dont u just turn ur lcd off or turn off ur pc ? lol for u pwi should make single player mode ^^
I know that truth is painfull for some people but thats how it is, anyway i wont argue with u about all stupid things ur saying because i see its pointless so i ll try to ignore ur posts. I would like also hear comment from staff members not from u since ur opinions are worthless because u have no idea about pwi company…
Well most americans are short minded people so i ll explain it for u. First of all im not complaining about living in europe ... lol, i gave my suggestion about server time because it doesnt suit my needs. Servers located in europe were discussed in this topic use search to find these posts, the button is located above…
i think it was about ur reply since in previous pages case of "version in europe" like u said was mentioned and explained. Use search please.
all is clear now thx for ur reply
ladies lets move this energy into game i ve played both pvp and pve please call me carebear after i rip ur head off and p00 into ur neck xD P.S i had to say this -> bored when w8ing for new server
well u ll curse ur choice if u wont hit 89 fast xD
<---- carebear from worst place that u can imagine b:angryb:angryb:angryb:shocked
Well i have chars on both servers but i cant find transfer button. Is it on website or ingame ? if u please can tell me where should it be directly located it would help very much :]. Well all my gold is on Heavens Tear atm and i wanted to move it to Lost City.