estasia Arc User



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  • I have my FB19 weapon and I wanted to decompose it, shows it would decompose into what appears to be 2 mirage stones... Thing is I cant.. My blacksmithing skill is level 2 right now, does it have to be highjer to decompose this item into mirages? or is that not possibel at all? can someone explain thsi too me?
  • I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOUR SAYING AND I AGREE FULLY!!!! Its so anoying when trying to kill multiple mobs or healing players. I too am a cleric and notice this also.,
  • Not sure if this ones been mentioned but Cleric skill Battle ressurection - Instant cast Resserection for party members in dungeons, recast cooldown = 30 mins to 1 hour, or if skilled up high enough lesser times by like a few mins each skillup. Would be very nice for hard battles where party members die but need to get…
  • ( and ) refers to my suggestion as I write the details of the spell out. Cleric class Point Blank Area effect - Funnels and Aura of Metal damage around the cleric doing xxx amount of damage initialy ( preferably a decently high amount ) and then xxx damage per second for the next 5 seconds ( can be lower then initial…
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