Fixed. Happy now? =P
<sarcasm>Inbuilt beats all these cards.</sarcasm>
I love the way that having a great job and being rich IRL allows you to effectively cheat this game. Oh well, I have money so I'm not complaining. I bet all the noobs that I kill with my level 150 bought with the cash shop will be.
Countdown = Broken Midnight can't happen on both sides of the world at the same time. It's based on your computer clock so if I typed in "date" to command prompt and changed it to tomorrow it'd be in minus numbers. FIX IT ADMINS/MODS.
It would be nice to get a Mod or Admin reply on the state of the countdown clock which is clearly BROKEN. Wrong topic I know but how else am I going to get their attention? They're clearly not trying to be helpful. =[
I can see how helpful the mods will be then. Maybe I'll just decide not to play? I can spend my money on a different game's cash shop...
Summary: GIVE US A MOD ON THIS TOPIC NOW. kthxbye.
A whole horde of people are coming from runescape because of the updates, and I don't meant the lack of them. Quite the opposite. Anywho I already got like 5 friends to sign up and they all got beta keys and most have the client downloaded. HUZZAH!
My life is larger, even if yours isn't =P Anyhow I have known games to wupe after open beta when stuff has messed up the game which would have ruined it for ages to come. I doubt it'll happen though hopefully. =]
Wait, so I can buy cash shop items that people will sell through the AH? If it's reasonably cheap I'll probably just do that tbh. I'm not spending 20 pounds on a doll so I don't lose virtual items when I'm PKd. That's just lame -.- Being a kid means having near unlimited free time. I'll use the time to farm mats for the CS…
Cleric. This is in the wrong forum.
let's all do the pointless thread dance? <3 lockage.
... why again?
Might be worth noting that people with wireless internet WILL get a massive ping tbh >.>
So no massively varying armour or weapons? Q.Q I get the feeling I'm going to hate seeing thirty archers in my guild looking EXACTLY THE SAME. In their green armour at max level -.-
So there's only one set of armour at each certain level range per class? o.O That seems... lame. Sorry =/
Will I feel inclined to have to reach the top level to experience the game like in WoW or is it fine staying at the medium levels and just generally having fun running instances and doing whatever quests and stuff I can find? Or is the game just literally grinding and there's nothing else to do? o.O Also, how does the…
It's not bad, people just shouldn't assume every roleplayer will do it. Anyhow it's not bad language that makes us angry, it's "ZOMFG HAX" "BRB" and "LOL FUNNIEZ!1" than make us angry. Speaking OOC is bad, using abbreviations like that is just... almost a sin xD
I always think of WoW this way... You spend ten pounds a month on WoW subscription which you'll probably play on at least for a bit every day or two the entire month. The average Wii PS3 360 or PC game costs around 40 pounds? That's four months of WoW subscription and you can't tell me you play on the same console game for…
The person who said that to you was probably five years old. PKing and RP shouldn't be mixed. They're both great things separately but it just takes away from your skills in the fight if you stop to type random stuff like that o.O EDIT: Also, please don't be one of those people that assumes everyone roleplayer talks in…
Awkward in what way? If you PM them I'm sure they'll respond in real life terms and you can speak to them properly. I think one of the reasons people "dislike" roleplayers is that they just find it a hard or awkward concept to understand (not you imparticular, just generally). Ehh, I'll keep roleplaying and if anyone says…
I guess we could promote that as a general rule as far as we possibly could. I mean, it doesn't hurt anyone. =] I suppose people that really had the gold could open RP guilds which would be an excellent idea. I've joined them on other MMOs and they've been great. It really helps you get to know the people better =D
That was aimed at the "10+ characters actually" part, and yes of course it's not confirmed, I'm just speculating. Anyhow I do read posts. And if you mean about your name I find it fine tbh. =3
Well generally in MMOs if you PM someone then it's fine to speak OOC (out of character) but you must stay IC (in character) in all the public channels (for instance /say in WoW or whatever other MMO you've played). So of course if you don't like roleplay or are no good at it you can just say like "I'm sort of busy…
I plan on making up some nice RP names anyways, no rubbishy "IpkU63548" for me =P I don't like long character limits anyways, 10 would be a fine limit imo. When it gets longer than that you end up with horrible names like "Gethalatariux" and stuff which is just terrible to type or even say. *looks behind him and sees…
Heard a roleplayer or heard of one? That's a shame if you've never seen RP in this game, it'd be a really good game for it. =O
Is it just me that doesn't look forward to seeing ~~~##@"'1337h4x0rz12635282637'"@##~~~ as a name? o.O
*Images of you spamming curse of weakness on everyone including casters come to mind* Seriously, if you go into combat as a rogue without stealthing when you play a subtelty rogue I just pity you xD