I just made it to archosaur a little while ago (ya, noob, whatever) and was just thinking the same thing. I'm a wiz and my friends a veno and she failed one of the quests because her computer lagged up in the spot where everybody decides to set up shop and I couldn't carry her out of there. Ya, it might look a little…
I don't know why we're chewing this guy out, he has a point. Maybe not rep or anything, but they should get a little something for helping people. nothing too big, maybe a little exp and some spirit, like you get when you pick up herbs and ore. I wouldn't know, I don't have a cleric. But they're right, too, that's what…
ok thanks. I was just wondering because I wasn't tough enough to go kill some of the creeps that carried the mats and was too cheap to buy them. oh well.
What all kids want to do when they walk in on their parents.
Tikana: well, now don't we all just feel ridiculous. I told you we were going to fast, you should've slowed down and watched where we were going! wait, what are you doing? No, no, n- Frankie: *pushes Tikana further in* Tikana: *MMPHHF!!!* Cleric: O: Frankie: this is kinda nice...
I told you colossus' are that strong. You didn't believe me, but who's laughing now? Not tikana, he's asfixiated...anyone wanna play I spy? I spy, with my little eye, something tha- is it a brick? Ya!
...who in the world invented a code to drop a wall out of thin air? No such thing as overkill my flaming hooves...
...Apparently we forgot to put the prop wall up yesterday... you okay Tim? *Mmrphh* oh, those workers are so fired. I'll sue, I swear.
hey, guys, I found my keys!
Sadly, the blind mount 400 m dash never really took off as a sport.
If you stare at it long enough and unfocus you're eyes, you can see a winking cleric!
Headless chicken stones were definitely not a good game plan...sure, it confused the other faction, but still...
What Public Urination Act?