we were winning by far, we got stuck in 131 points for a hour, after that all battles were locked, we got pounded really good, i hope they can extend the maximum of ppl in battleb:angryb:angryb:angryb:angryb:angry
Hi, i just want to know if you guys think that pwi coming with something new, i worked so hard to get raps and cans, i also spended real money just to buy raps, my lv16 weapon somebody can get it in one day, my weapon is like worthless now, so im thiking that pwi coming with something new or they are hiding something....
NPC never said tha you can exchange it or spirits, otherwise i wouldnt clicked
i started from lvl 1 with 5 points on im putting the points every two lvls ok im lvl 48/2=24 LVL 48*5ECAH LVL=240+20 FROM LVL 1 ON EACH STATS =260 260-125-77-53-5=0 STR24*5=120+5=125 DEX24*3=72+5=77 VIT24*2=48+5=53 MAG5 You right i didn't count magic ty close pls
is your inventory full?