emopanda Arc User


  • Okay thank you, i will try that. If it doesn't work by then, im going to scream, run around in circles ^_^... then learn how to be paitent for sept. ^_^ THank you all. I REAAALY hope it works lmao XD
  • I don't know what im doing wrong. I heard the game clients you download from can be a factor in this problem. I downloaded the 'Direct download" client. I heard that onrpg.com and mmofury works. Im downloading he onrpg at the moment, so maybe it would work. Since MMOfury.com is broken, the download that is.
  • I did receieve a bete key... and i downloaded the game, installed. Whenever i try to log in with correct password and account name, it sasy "Incorrect account name or password..." . It works on the site