

  • Going by PY-MY skill data: EA stun has 3.5m more range than EP sleep. Sleep's chant+cast only comes in at 0.1s faster than stun's delay+cast. Given that EP movespeed is slothlike, I'd say that at or beyond maximum EA range an alert EA has a slight edge, unless the EP is wearing multiple -%cast equips.
  • Pure genius on her bid/counterbid & "simultaneous distraction wars" strategies. Land then passed to Asperity, & now to ★☆DeMoN☆★.
  • Tales of Pirates / Pirate King Online.
  • Those contemptible thugs! The rest of us were only wearing sandals! Shenanigans! Correction, 3 guilds that own almost all the lands: http://x.krackmonster.com/demon/2008-07-26_07-41-41.jpg
  • There are two level 1 territories on the map, Thousand Stream City & Ancient Dragon City. The criteria for permission to attack a level 1 territory include the stipulation that you do not already own one. Thus is it impossible for one guild to own every land.
  • I shoulda brought marshmallows. =/ Full Int Werebeast > Full Int Archer ! Nah, seriously though - I came to Delphi too late to ever have any run-ins with you guys, but you definitely have the kind of attitude I like. I'm not even talking about the senseless carnage & mindless violence, just the quick witted **** you take…
  • Topic derailed a bit? Back on track: Resonance, my old guild on TOP; emberSept, my alt char guild in various games; SofaKingdom! ...ok I've never actually seen this one used, but it'd rock.