elieli Arc User


  • Look peeps. Its really very simple... The cause of inflation is the devaluation of the ingame currency. This is caused by the over valuation of currency being introduced from outside the internal economy (Gold and Tokens of Luck). There are no controlls on the inflation like giving a permanent cap to the Gold - Gold Coins…
  • First let me start by saying I miss playing PWI alot, but I haven't played the game in a very long time because of state of the in game economy. If the in game economy gets fixed I will be back. Currently I'm playing a game that is f2p. What makes the game I'm playing unique in the f2p world is that f2p means exactly that.…
  • The bottom line is this... I should be able to get, with reasonable effort everything that is shown to be available in the game, in the game. Which include gems of every level, reputation, mats needed for manufacturing, gold coins for repairs, pots, skills and a some profit so maybe Crazy Stones become worthwhile at higher…
  • Sorry about the jagged posts. Just another thought :) The trick like in the real world. Is how to improve income while maintaining stable affordable prices and reliable supply.
  • Oh... but... real market value does not necessarily mean affordable.
  • As long as "foreign currency" (i.e. gold) keeps flooding into the market the price of everything will remain high and continue to increase. When domestic prices are not influenced by foreign concerns then prices will stabilise and will settle to real market value.
  • Oishii - with respect. There are 2 main problems. 1) The fact that Zen can be turned to gold which can be turned into gold coins. This is the main source of inflation. Once a user gets 20 million gold coins. Spending a couple of million on a clothes item doesn't seem like all that much. But when its for an item that is…
  • In reply to number 10 Bella. 1) They would get pots like they always did. They would buy them from the apothecary. Either gather mats, get them in drops or purchase them via cat shops or the auction house. 2) Yes they are happy with cash shop items with in game money. But that means those items sell for 10 of millions of…
  • There are numerous examples of games generating money and still having everything that is supposed to be in the game in the game. If people are not playing the game, PWI won't generate the revenue. If customer loyalty is not rewarded you won't get repeat customers.
  • * Get rid of the tokens of luck * Divorce the cash shop from the in game economy. The cash shop items only gets traded in the cash shop * Better balance the drop rates for mats required for crafting if a player is qualified for crafting * Drop rate for mob is fixed for per individual unit (eg toon or squad) not on how many…
  • I believe that there is a lot that PWI can do to regulate the economy. Preventing economic chaos. Every government does it. PWI can do it.
  • 'Cause you can't make money from the cash shops from people who are not playing the game and consequently have no reason to purchase zen.
  • Hi Apostasy I will respond this way cause the the posts are gonna get kinda long if I start quoting... lol I will probably work backwards.... I never said not to have the boutique, What I said, is take those items out of the in game economy. To make them unavailable to cat shops and the in game auction. Maybe a website…
  • Ditto
  • Question for those of you that installed IEx. Did you experience a blank screen on the patcher where the announcements show up? If you did, did you try to install the gecko engine? This can also be done via winetricks.
  • I'm using 1.3.10 on Fedora 15. This version was available during the testing phases before F15 went gold. It is available under: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?buildStart=50&packageID=4106&buildOrder=-completion_time&tagOrder=name&tagStart=0#buildlist
  • There is an excellent howto at: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=9923 Look for the "HOWTO Section" You will need to use winetricks to install core fonts and vcrun6sp6. And of course you will need to ensure that the msvcrt library is edited to builtin, native. Unfortuneately this is the best that…
  • Maybe what I should get from you is a step by step of what you're doing. The configuraton that you are mentioning should work just fine. Maybe there's the clue. My first question would be what version of wine are you running? Again.... my first suggestion would be completely delete your .wine folder an (ehchem) start again…
  • I'm not shouting, just emphasizing.... DO NOT INSTALL DIRECTX9. I had the same problem when Genesis came out and had to re-do my entire prefix. Wine and the newer animated screens do not seem to like each other. If you do not install directx and just use the built in directx you get the old login screens and you get better…
  • The only other thing that I can suggest is that you rename the .wine directory in your home directory and start completely over :( If that doesn't work....
  • If you installed directx, before installing pwi then don't. You don't need it anymore. You will still need to install core fonts and vcrun6sp6 before anything will work via winetricks. After that you will need to fix your registery also. There is a clear image of what the settings should be at:…
  • It would seem that all you need to do is to edit: Wine Configuration -> Libraries -> msvcrt to ensure that the order of use of the dll is builtin, native. Once that is done pwi should work like it always did
  • Also running Fedora 15 with wine-1.3.14-2.fc14.i686. And of course, I'm having the same issue
  • After the latest update I had to install vcrun6 with winetricks :/
  • Two other things to note.. 1) You probably still need to install core fonts with winetricks to make the text in the game look the way they're supposed to and 2) The traditional wine registry setting for the game seem to improve the image quality of the game Have fun all
  • OK... Full Screen works just fine :) Just make sure that in the Wine Configuration tool under Graphics is that you have: Allow DirectX apps.... checked and both; Allow the window manger off
  • Talon.... Thank you.... Thank you... Thank you..... I can confirm that this actually works. I've yet to try with full screen. And the nice thing is no silly animation screen also. So the trick is to start a new prefix. Reinstall the game. And DO NOT install directx9 from winetricks. And all should work well. Once again…
  • Hi I can confirm that the game works with 1.2.0 as opposed to 1.3.x. I've also filed a bug report over at: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26289 It would be good if others would go to the bug report and confirm that their is a problem. I hope the following tip will be helpful to all you fellow Linux users. Quoting…
  • Excuse me all you real world millionaires out there.... But could somebody explain to me how much real money is enough money to spend on a game. $50, $75, $500, $2000. How much? Really... people the whole point of a game is to play the game. Not to spend your life savings to be able to buy the latest greatest whatever or…
  • Actually complaining is the only way to get things done. It is the only way to get the devs and GM to "regulate" the game economy back to normal. Get enough people complaining then something will happen just to get us off their back. 1 million coins is too high. There should be an absolute limit of 150 gold coins per gold…