edbiomedic Arc User


  • More Sky levels? More vitae to get? More dailies? I hope that all primal dailies will be revamped, and take vitae/bloods rewards increased, cause is painfull run much dailies in primal in different toons.
  • Arc are running again for me, client updated now
  • Just in east servers mmm? Well, not ... I'm having the same problem a few hours and I'm from west server (Etherblade) player, Idk if other west server players are with the same problem ... so is this ... Arc dont finish update and I received the message: "Error! Arc has encountered an error while updating. Please try…
  • I'm felling a new trick with R9 in Boutique, if MoG will erased from Boutique, maybe in the future, GST can't be more forged ... so R9 will be fucckkiing harder to get ... but this is only a possiblity in my mind So why put GST in Boutique? Misteryous Chip Pack have 10 misteryous chip each ... buying the option for 100…
  • I don't care with this, I want results, more employes working, more ideas, more objectives finished at same time, more satisfaction in experience of the game with problems being resolved more fast. PWI need more structure, from hardware, and support ... and more employes working ... or this is will like some other event in…
  • Trolololol :s trolololol :s and I take it 276 tokens during event and I still not received Tier 8 and Tier 7, I haven't hope to receive Tier 6, Tier 5 and Tier 4 cause they aren't for everybody, but Tier 8 and Tier 7 are unlimited so I'm still waiting, and before somebody talk about keep space in mailbox, yes I have space…
  • In my personal experience, with my Barb, isn't a bug with rebirth. My Barb aren't reawakened and have this problem, maybe have a problem in patches received from China with quests broken ... sometimes happen ... but nobody from staff talked about this, so maybe can be a modification implemented without previous notice, or…
  • I'm having the same problem with my barb, he's sage (aware of the miryad) and lvl 101. b:angry b:angry //////////// Complete what other questline? I have the sage ●Tiger Form learned, so next step is make the questline for in the end win the ●Imbued Tiger Form Scroll and ●Imbued Panda Form, so what other questline you are…
  • I'm having problems to connect in Heaven's Tear too, when I have success in log one of my toons, much times the result is ... repeatly dc's. Last time, my ping was 14594 ms, impossible play ...