ya thats what i want to know too,i dont want to keep waitin and then just be able to get into open beta.
Ya everyone who used their beta key in the past like 28 hours have been experiencing problems, but like the other person said, they are trying to fix it.
ya i heard we need confirmation email for beta key, so we gotta wait longer. hopefully they didnt forget about us :(
kk hope it works man =D
exact same for me... im looking for another F2P mmorpg atm... if they fix this one ill come back asap cause it looks real nice.
im guessing same thing Ive asked numerous people and they all don't know wth is up. Also tried contacting the administrator several hours ago via a ticket or w/e and havent gotten a response yet =/
ya Ive tried everything man tried changing pass on main page, putting run as admin on vista, made sure i was spellin everything correctly, made sure beta key was accepted, re installed patches blah blah blah, nothin worked >.>
*sigh* this game looked good too, but maybe I was just not meant to play it =/
ya this is really becoming burdensome, I just wasted a good majority of my day trying to get this to work, from 11A..M. to 4:30P.M. now =/
trying to use another beta key didn't work either >.< says I have 1 already so if anyone needs an extra beta key>.> LSP46-X4Y-15WK
thanks for the link, ill try it out ^^
and i use my account name, not nickname rite?
yes I am sure ^^
yup this game just hates me. nohing has worked so far, password change, restart, etc. Thanks for all the effort though guys ^^
ok im going to restart computer and get back to you, thanks for help though
I still have problems logging, is it possible my beta key didn't work?
I'm Sorry, it says accepted and I believe I got my key from
Sorry was surfing the web, thanks for all the hasty replies. This is my first time trying to play Planet World, and I have also applied my beta key and it says it is activated.
ya I've been trying to get on for the past couple hours, one server boots me after trying to get on for 20 seconds, the other one says invalid name/password =/
yup yup i have same problem