Of course you would come up with this trash **** comment because you have to spend 10 minutes in a day to complete everything and get double rewards. So you are saying we should not fix the glitch because we need the mats, but the glitch only works on certain servers? Brain dead people, makes sense why all of you need bots…
What a stupid update lmao
Server is back and running again btw
I think we wont stop drinking till tomorrow
8pm and still down
At Dawnglory server it says level 10.
No penguin event for today xD
I have tried relogging, serveral times and it still says 0 points. I have tried staying online for 5 hours without relogging, still 0 points. I only have one account. It is bugged or they are not updating in time every account?
If you have two characters created on the same arc account, you have to chose only one character to reedem the code?