doomedsoul Arc User


  • lol all im saying is that since this is the closed beta this is only a taste of the neglect that u will feel from tech support. keep bashing ur heads against a wall if u enjoy frustration like that.
  • guess that its good that we found out that this game is **** b4 we got to waste any of our time creating characters. **** this, guess the beta really is closed! ROFL what a waste of a hour to D/L this ****, i could have been looking for a WORKING game. btw how can tech support for PWI take off weekends during a closed beta…
  • this sux it says to 'try changing ur password" and "D/L the patches". Well i have done everything it has told me in all threads. im up to the point where i log in and my user name / password is never right. ive changed it and i still get nothing, this is gh3y.