

  • To hatch and tame a pet, she would have to be a Veno. Unless the egg is an all-class pet, only Venomancers can use them. You can try to sell your beginner pets though, if you feel so inclined.
    in Pets Comment by discord October 2008
  • So, Severan... I can only assume that you found the 'Joker-burns-his-pile-of-money' scene in The Dark Knight amazing? That is, assuming you've seen that movie. And I don't. I just exist... yup.
  • 8 of 10. Really cool, actually. I have a friend who would love the wolf to death... the whole thing, now that I think about it. And I am without a lovely picture signature. So I fail. Yeah, I know.
  • I don't know if this has already been stated - it might've been in the two pages of this thread that I didn't read - but I encountered some problems with item collection. I know that a friend purchased some kind of prize item for me on PW EN-MY, and I was supposed to go to a certain NPC to recieve it. So I enlisted a few…
  • This has sort of been said before, I believe: the Perfect World EN-MY (English-Malaysia, the one most here play now) is completely different from the upcoming Perfect World International. So to play, you'll need to download a completely different client - the one that will be available on this site soon.
  • Hmm... Something oddly melodramatic, like, "...A New World to conquer. Ooh, look at the rendering!" Or something.