didverisku Arc User


  • Hi all, I have found a solvation for these Problems: 1. "Connection to update server fails. Please try another update server.." 2. "Login timeout 40 sec: 20 sec ......" 3. " unable to connect to server" My Solvation: I deacitvitate my standart firewall ( windows vista) and installed Comodo Firewall Pro and set some…
  • Hi all, I have found a solvation for these Problems: 1. "Connection to update server fails. Please try another update server.." 2. "Login timeout 40 sec: 20 sec ......" 3. " unable to connect to server" My Solvation: I deacitvitate my standart firewall ( windows vista) and installed Comodo Firewall Pro and set some…
  • no, i do not see the word. Is it good or not? What can i do to solve my biggest problem with can not connect to update server.... I have nothing wrong done, i have only led the game update the game to patch 24 no any more!!! and then the problem can not connect.......................... PLEASE HELP, HELP DOES ANYBODY KNOWS…
  • I have firewall and other things checked out, everythink is allright. I dont know where the problem is. I have opened the ports 29000 in firewall and led also the game comunicate to server of PWI!!!! What can i do to solve the problem, i dont know i have everything tried.
  • i have this problem,too. 1) When i start the game it says "connecting to server...." after a few minutes it says " Update server connection fails. Please try another update server". 2) the website can not also open 3) if i ignored that all and although start the game there is standing first: "the page could not be found"…
  • i have this problem,too. 1) When i start the game it says "connecting to server...." after a few minutes it says " Update server connection fails. Please try another update server". 2) the website can
  • i have this problem,too. 1) When i start the game it says "connecting to server...." after a few minutes it says " Update server connection fails. Please try another update server". 2) the website can
  • i have this problem,too. 1) When i start the game it says "connecting to server...." after a few minutes it says " Update server connection fails. Please try another update server". 2) the website can
  • Hi all, i have a big problem with connecting to update server!!!! The game says "connecting to server..." and then "Update server connection fails. Please try another update server" what can i do?????????b:angry I have searched the internet and I have nothing found, please help..!!!!!!!!! Have somebody an idea?????