i take it you play chinese server?| what boundry lvl are you guys at and how amy rebirths? currently american is 2nd ra and royal sky. we are so so f ar behind it isnt funny
well i spent 200 dollars to buy 2 +11 orbs those are gone my icebourne shards for my weapon are gone, my spend reward is gone and my 200 gold is gone!!!! so am i just screwed or will i be compensated? this is total ****! and all they tell me is to wait till this issue is resolved. so do i wait till its resolved and the…
how many days offline does a lvl 90 plus toon need to get the returning warrior exp buff?
i dont think any class but Storm and Dusk are getting new skills. this patch is more or less for them. and if u used super inventory stone well u wont be able to get more slots till they fix their bug and u know that cantake months upon months to happen
ya buty if u noticed any one thats used super inventory or super cage get fooked till they decided to fix the bug. why put a patch out if u know it has bugs?
so any one know whats going on yet?
ok i found nthe arch essence but any one have coords to the rest?
but how do u lock the spell in the 1st f1-f8 so they dont change when u drag spells to 2nd bar to mouse click?