dewdrop Arc User


  • I'm not hiding. I don't know how to change the icon lol
    in Tao Comment by dewdrop July 2010
  • Why did Vivi and MsE bid if not to try to win TW, which means getting land? This is uninformed.
    in Tao Comment by dewdrop July 2010
  • I wanted to let everyone who might not be aware know that the problem also applies to other mines. I've been trying to mine charcoal at 3 different locations, and, while I've received an edible pigment and exp/sp, I have yet to receive any charcoal today. I hope this problem is fixed soon so we can all continue to gather…
  • I am encountering the same strange error message as posted above. I had been playing earlier in the day, and then later that error message began coming up each time I attempted to log onto my main character. My graphics card drivers have been updated, and holding W did not work for me. What else can I try so that I can log…
  • Thanks for the reply, mystic. I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this bug. Let's hope the sound will be fixed for Open Beta.
  • This is my problem too, except I'm working on a laptop screen. I find myself squinting at the screen and gradually moving my head closer and closer until my nose is about 6" from the screen. I have tried all the resolution options on my computer and in the game window, and none of them increase the size of the writing.…
  • For the quest The Trainer's Summon: Loving Friend, the NPC identified in the quest, Pet Skill Trainer Hu, doesn't have any options that allow me to advance my quest when I talk to her. I think this is a bug.