devildanzig Arc User


  • Yep tried with 7-zip and WinRAR both...same results:( Guess I'll go throw my money at another game until something is fixed. Would love to spend some time with this game but I have 128mB DSL so it takes 12 hours just to download and since the moderators on here have the same responses saved on their clipboards for…
  • I know but when i click on it extraction pop up box always opens. Any other advice?:)
  • Can not open file "C:\Program Files\PWI\Perfect_World_International.exe" as archive Exact message I get when trying to extract. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Same thing...please respond asap as this person posted days ago and after pulling my hair out for hours now...i need some RELIEF!!! Besides I'll need time to combat the myriad of other problems people are having I'm sure:mad: