I hope you burn in hell.
Oh, boohoo someone thinks I'm a bad player, big deal, stop going off topic. As stated before, Tumeric was a really skilled player, one of the _very_ few archers that actually had any skill, while the line between a skilled archer and one that just spams skills and just relies on gear is very thin, Tumeric made it pretty…
Yeah, Tumeric was a really skilled player.
Oh, who knows..
Because of a certain event, that is not to be called by name! As for bound items dropping, it's nothing new, seen it a few times before. Along with dozens of drops even with dolls.
I quit a month ago for another game (what can it be?), but i check back to see how it goes while i'm gone, and wow.. just wow. Todays patch seemed to me like they're trying to make as much money as possible before a certain event. Their marketing is indeed good, they sure manages to sell a lot.
Luckily, many of us preordered a game that is not to be called by named months ago.
This patch kinda helped a certain game boost their sales. =/
"retarted" oh really.