^Typical response from someone who lost an argument :'). - btw, not sure about you, but i don't think anyone would throw the chance of receiving 5b worth of free gear away. 5b is 5b regardless of how well geared you are.
Firstly, You must be pretty dumb. The list of names produced by myself AND tabaloul are the names of players that left Infamous to Crisis despite Crisis already being on a significant power gap. In addition, kaizuko, wary, sneakyzoe and nayak are all Nuema Portal DAMAGE DEALERS. 4NP gains are considered quite a lot…
You clearly haven't the slightest experience in xtw to be making a statement as absurd as that. First of all, xtw is nothing like chess. Chess is more elegant and requires a lot of skill especially in anticipation. XTW has been INTENTIONALLY designed with objectives to force players to battle it out on who can control…