Nah, they are on crack, or speed. b:chuckle
Well, on my friend's computer only the east servers showed, and the west didn't. There was some background program he was running that when disabled, all the servers finally showed up. Wasn't a firewall thing, so perhaps there's some program you've installed that's disrupting the problem. Hope this helps, cause I've got no…
That sucks. Should allow us to trade them. Trying to get the other ones is hard enough as it is! Not like it's the best weapons out there anyway.
Rather they set mp charm activation use down to 50%. Since hp charms activate then, so should mp charms.
Only reason I do quests is for the rep. And then, it's still not a lot considering how much you need for the ranks. By doing normal questing, I don't think you'll reach military rank 3 by the time you're 80.
Because you need to visit the teleport master in each of those locations so you can teleport there.