The basics are Woven Fang Arrows for bows, Iron Shot for slingshots and Bone Bolt for crossbows. Also you CAN find them on mob drops as well.
Do you mean the points you get at each level or the skills you purchase? If points here's hwat each catagory does for an archer. Vit: Increases max HP Str: Determins what armor you can use, or if you want to use a slashing weapon as a backup. Mag: Increases max MP for skill use. Dex: Main attribute is Max Phys attack,…
Me, I'd appreciate anything but I expect nothing. It's enough to me that I was allowed to get to test the game before anyone else. For al lthose who WANT something. .remember this... you WANTED to play the game enough to get in the CB early.
Going to have to agree with people who think the admins and GM's get a rough break, especially in a CB. Seems like 60% of the people expect a CB to work perfectly, and things get fixed instantly. Al lthey care about is playing, and not about improving the game. The GM's and such are only human like the rest of us, give…
The reason they do it is because they go by server time, In the USA most servers either seem to be in PDT or CDT. They need to make it easy on them so people wil lbe there at launch, not to convenience us. For me it'l lstart at 2 AM, I'll just start when I wake up in the morning. So, I won't be the 1st in game.. no biggie.…
Ok now that we have a real time from the admins... Seems like people are STILL getting confused. Servers open at Midnight on the west coast of the USA. This would be 3 AM East Coast USA, 7 AM GMT, 8 AM UK time, 10 AM for Western Europe, and for Australia around 5 PM. As people ahve said the countdown timer means nothing..…
I just tried that and you're right. So, all we know is.. .some time tomorrow
looks like 10 AM for you
Go get some sleep. youy have about 14 hours until it opens. Official launch seems to be the 18th at 10 PM server time, which is USA Pacific time(guessing this as that's what time the forum uses). Or the 19th and 1 AM Eastern time, 5 AM GMT and I'm assuming you're on the east coast of Australia so would make it around 2-3…
Why not just look at the main page, and look at the countdown timer? According to it, the servers should be up at 1 AM Eastern, Midnight Central, 11 PM Mountain and 10 PM Pacific. For those in the rest of the world that's 5 AM GMT
Looking at the system specs for him, RAM is the was to go. It's hard to find a PCI card, and with the Intel Extreme chipset, it should run fine as it takes system ram, and the minimum requirement is 32MB video ram
It's funny, no one else seemed to have the problem. Why don't you try cleaning up the computer... running antivirus program and defragging? I have a mid range system and downloaded and installed fine here.