Homework? Is that something you put on bread? b:shocked
You people need to stop worrying bout things that's got nothing to do with you.This was a war between Mayhem and Zulu. I'm sure both Mayhem and Zulu are big enough to stand up for themselves and fight their own battles. I have been part of both these guilds and just because Mayhem got steam rolled or toyed with does not…
feathers O.o
hehehehehe perv.lawl
Got to love drama. b:dirty
Spell check plox
If u run as administrator u don't have to switch between game and vent.IJS
true true.i forget bout it being so expensive.i use it for work so company bought mine at home and work.i have never used another program but ur signatures look great b:bye
Try getting photoshop.allows you to do so much more.with photoshop there is a million ways to make that rose look gem-like with just a click. Wow i sound like an infomercial for photoshop. b:shocked
What prgram do u se to make ur siggies?
10/10 great color combination's.All the signatures i have seen by u so far are beautiful.