deadwieght Arc User


  • yes...many many many of us are having that problem. there is no fix yet for it.
  • Can not Alt/Tab out of the game in Full mode without the game shutting down. Can not change graphics setting within the game (screen sizes) or go from windows to full without game shutting down. All my drivers and graphics applications are up to date and this does not occur for any other apps I am running on my PCs. I have…
  • Opening coupons and packs is announcing everything that people get
  • Veno quest does not seem to work, cant capture the huggy hares at 50% or less. Barb quest code for chest is in chinese. I have targeted mobs to kill in NF but no quest to kill them (they are highlighted and mapped). I can't play in full screen mode, if i tab out the game crashes when i tab back in.
  • i agree. i have a NP chest with no hope of completing the set so it just sits in the bank rotting away. Mean while players with the coin to purchase it PM me asking if PWI 'fixed' the chest yet on a weekly basis.
  • I won 2nd prize, the nuema portal avatar chest, also came untradeable, also sent a ticket in.
  • said all October events would announced byt he end of October and for EU ppl...that time has passed
  • bringing this back to the top because my class still doesnt have a proper self buff that works correctly in PvP. 0 staff comment
  • Please argue about Seeker skills somewhere else. This is thread is for Dex based classes who have basic gameplay issues. Yes seekers magic skills miss. i may have mistyped in my post.
  • I was asked through the ticket system to post my class' issue here and that a Quality or Dev. team member would respond or at least have a look into this. Has that happened?
  • You almost had me on that random stuff, but it is not true...or rather evasion does not work the same in PvP as it does in PvE. I'm not sure which is the correct statement. This is why i seek the devs. Either way the formula we all have come to believe is incorrect in PvP. Take an example of a Tyrant Army Remnant…
  • I may have not been precise enough in my post, I am not talking about magic classes. Yhis is purely against melle type classes as we all know true magic attacks never miss. Seekers magic attacks are similiar to archer magic attacks (I think) in that they are physical attacks with a magic damage conversion, meaning that the…
  • i was referring to BoA. there is no proc on BoA so it should work but it does not. nor does it work on our magic aoe or phy aoe.
  • evasion works just fine as it is. if u think it does not, ask PWI to remove the 50% accuracy off all rings and see how you do.
  • SweetieBot plz forge me a g15 and g16 Ancestor's Sorrow.
  • if g16 is ur endgame weapon, i would suggest making a slingshot for g15. they are ALWAYS 2 sockets at g16. g16 is g16 as far as bow vs sling vs xbow. better off making something that has the best possible sockets. also the g15 is always 2 sockets as well. SweetieBot plz make me g15 and g16 Ancestor's Sorrow.
  • no i mean all g16 slingshots come with 2 sockets. its the only weapon that does i think, unless the poleblade does as well, i cant remember.
  • once u reach a certain attack lvl the returns are negligable unless ur facing a full JoSD player or psy in white or seeker with def combo up. on ur average player adding 15 attack lvls when u have 100+ alrdy adds 200-300 damage. this can be easily tested with a high geared psy and switching back and fourth from omalleys to…
  • slingshots are always 2 sockets plus they have the int on them, if ur demon i would think a slingshot would be the better option for higher damage output.
  • tweaked it a little, just for giggles
  • im r9rr +6'ish. for a mod posting on an archer forum u either suck on ur archer or have never played one. as i posted before....r9rr psy or wizzies. the rest dont matter. and in an evasion build u actually have more magic defence then if u use the standard r9 ring and sky cover and g14 cube neck pdef neck. my toon is…
  • 5 classes? if ur getting killed consistantly by venos, clerics and mystics than you just suck as an archer. yes i have died to all three classes but it is not a normal occasion. wizzies, psys are the only two magic classes an archer should ever worry about and psys unless they are r9rr +10 or better are not usually a…
  • i understand all of what u are saying. yes a cube necklace is better than anything available. my post is for conservation of coin and that u could spend the money otherwise in better areas. gotcha
  • omg i said it was ONE EXAMPLE!! the OHT necklace is another EXAMPLE. what im saying and have said over and over again (that apperently nobody is reading) is that spending 70 million on a G14 cube necklace as an archer is a waste of coins. ill use another example without evasion just to make u all happy next time. i…
  • it was one example of an alternate necklace. an OHT neck with pdef on it is also 7% damage reduction and those are free. i just dont understand why ppl pay 70 mil for 100 hps. would any of you buy a +4 d. orb for 70 million?
  • change the BH queen to BH lunar trophy mode, that way its only 12 mirages, same as warsong.
  • there is point distubution thread somewhere but...hp healed and hp gained are two big factors. a healing cleric will not only gain conti for themselves but also for the person they are healing. also possibly the biggest conti gainer is dealing and taking damage from higher soulforce people. when/if i fight someone like Sun…
  • do as you plz, i know what works for me.
  • decus if u were the math guru u claim to be you would have alrdy done the math and know why evasion works. but im perfectly fine with nobody using evasion builds, it keeps the amber shards dirt cheap for me. as an archer your HPs should come from your refines not from hp shards, we only have one item that gives a % boost…
  • actually if u do the math, evasion is only second to josd. i have an evasion build and it works perfectly.