Amazing how a noob joins CQ and immidiatly thinks his a bigshot factor, just cuz he gets to leech on some mils a week.
dont friends share?
In event time, like now, gold price effected by meny reasons. I belive cq is the least of them. In non event time the once to call the gold price are the once who by it, usually its the once who got the extra coins to overbid with 10k. So probebly cq members ARE the reason that between the events gold was 350k while it…
Well , the packs where nice if they where 1 week thing, the full month was way way overdue, it inserted tons of coins to the market and left a major mark on the game. and now, after passed that , u bring them back for 2more weeks, not cool.
Nope, they just selling for the highest bidders, theres no reason to blame a gold seller. Also cq are not to be blamed. Since they are simply serving there best intrest, and if they can bid on gold when some1 else cant i dont expact them not to. The 1s to blame are the mid-big guilds, espacially the leadership, who fail to…
Azura, ill cap. the sentnces, but im not gonna check spelling much, also its kinnda non-relevent to the topic. Trappe, your theory sounds good and should be broght to devs attantion.However u should notice that when all the "extra" coins are spread among 500ppl each week than they will waste it for daily uses, but when…
ungratefull? hek no! im very gratefull for huging a servers worth of payroll for the last year or more! just wait till server got more lvl90s and ull see how gratefull we are! thanks again!
x2 they actually doing quite a good job at protecting theyr supiority, hopefully, now with the bounty ppl will lvl fast and things will get more intrested, they cant take on 3 guilds of 90+ , and given bit more time 40% of the server will be well over 90.
ill CAP the importetn parts: you are on PVE server, try tell lvl 90 mage getting pked by lvl 80 nix that the veno overrated. same in TW, the nix is the best weapon to take down the pullers, and the single most fearsome wep, i reather take on my lvl rival with WARSOUL WEP than take on my lvl NIX user, still think its…
i was sitting in a coffe house, suddenly i saw apples 2-times-dead-ghost screaming about how he died twice for nothing and how horrible ppl are, really touched me, took my coffe to go, omw homw apples gohst voice kept ringing my ears, started mumbeling about how unfair life is; climbed up a 20 stories bilding and jumped,…
well why cant veno get that edge from tree of protection whos also very usefull? also IF veno wont use the skills they have 50% (avarage) to win a pvp, while without nix its much lesser (avarage, MUCH lesser) without the skills. but that not even the main point of the skills notice bro, the thing is that the way to deal…
venos can fight bleed with bleed, may the higher nix win. ( like fire with fire) they dun need to carry heavy bucket of water or some mooshy gel around, they got a flamthrower :)
nah ppl crying theyr eys out for about a year now, im sure it was gotten to the devs attantion, i see no reason for them to change ther mind ( beside doing the moral thing, wont happen). look at the bright side , that new game will be opned soon. btw there is a way to deal with it, like i did, start a veno for pvp and if…
1. keeping the bug just to sell nixes is wrong (is sellingout the non venom ppl-costumers to the venoms, price? 200-250$) 2. even though, a good way out will be to give every class (but venos ofc) her own cash item "edge", while keeping the nix as-is. 3. the genie skills are just an excuse. the only ones that use them are…
"thats because its not a glitch, if it was, since its so 'game breaking' as people think, itd be fixed ASAP" i had that wakeup call too, bout 2 monthes ago, so to deal with it i started a veno, apperently theres no way around it. "Please refer to the other 87497539753049573094 posts on this subject. -_-" well beside…
i was wondering, beside the exp u get any nice drops at rebirth gama ?( smt to cover the charms mabe:)? )
no you wont. 1 the bleedbug wont be in them birds 2 if theyll be as much effective, all whos got the sufficient inntellegence to log into a forum will roll a veno or call it the day and go play some other mmo game. edit : on 2nd thought it dun matter if the firebird will rip me apart or the ice.
but that the veno res the nix and the wiz dies -_- AND this isnt pwI so might not be comparable in weps-equips or other stuff also u cant know the lvls.
since its ovieslly another ( well justefied ) veno flame topic, did any one ever got CLEAR and stright answer for this topic? ( wich oveislly concerns LOT of the CUSTEMERS) let me be clear about the questions: why does only venoms got extra powerfull cash-shop items? is the bleed-bug really is a bug or it ment to give nix…
/flame on yes this game is very unbalanced, a veno do hh run in 3 times the time that it takes for a full 6ppl squad. also with little potions usage (with high herc). right barb is very hard to take down (for a tank build) but he will hardly take down non-axe-vit bm or anything with dex, i also saw mages 1hit barb! talking…
roll a veno, no doubght. at your lvl you do not enjoy the full potential of venom so bm mighet seem reasonable choice, if u had only magnemite and sawfly usd see how effective venos are, dun even get me going aboug the nix-bleed-bug combo :) u dun have to take my word, ask any bm lvl 75+ ingame
1- its allways the venos to claim thigs r balanced, or a 2ndry char of a veno 2- i started a veno, it rox cant wait to herc lvl 60-70 than nix lvl75-80 3- upperently 50% of pwi are playing venoms, thous the ones who voted for othe chars ( randomly, u know that cuz its around 10% each) 4- just u wait till ill have my nix :)…
dun nerf the nix just fix the (wildly used, extrimly overpowering) flesh ream bleed-bug. all of us non-venos just cant deal with it in open pvp ( yea and idcare if u say a veno can die too, smart -pvp- built veno will kite n reflect in HA+hp shards and kick asses 10-15 lvls higher, pvper as well. rather both sides got hp…
have a look at the world map, i think ull find whos playing the empire.b:pleased
im sorry but u are missleading too meny ppl, have u tryed pvping ur own lvl veno with nix? ofc she can go down but if u take her down 3 times out if 10 u should be proud of urself and the veno should change to herc and never pvp again. if the veno will use her skill and kite the right way u wont even get 2 out of 10.. u…
bro look at the avatar of all who replyed u, they are all playing venom. this is the best (by long shot) class to solo and its good for squads too, (true clerics and barbs are the most wanted to hunt squads, thats cuz they are usefull and not too meny ppl go for them, mostly becose its not the best way to enjoy the game,,,…
it really dont... r u looking for mounts? venom pets? what lvl?
last bump, guess ill go after the mats ..
i got ALOT of DISrespect for GZ, they are the spineless highlevels bunch of cowards i ever saw! all the land they have to show for , is what CQ allow them to have. in return they suckup to CQ. that is a guild with no self-respect once so ever, so ofc i will diss it. btw i joined oone of the revulation guilds, let me tell u…
still on the lookout