darkz Arc User


  • Whats up with all this crossfiring? Both has it's advanatage and disadvatage.. Since PVE has it's share of "Carebears", PVP has it's own share of "Maniac killers" as well. It's not as if 1 of it is superior than the other. But i had bad experience of being GANK by groups of 5 who went around killing people while i was…
  • over 5 lvl 60+ chars and 1 lvl 70+ chars....and an asset of 90M+..... throw away? dream on -.-;;
  • After reading all these post, it makes me rmb of 1 incident in the delphi server. During the ADC invasion event (EN-MY), after almost an hour of slash and slice of mob, the boss finally appeard. Every1 atked the boss..*skips* and it died. but as soon as it drops the items, rares..strong player from bigger guild surrounded…