dankmonkey Arc User


  • Tree of Protection is a charm ticking wasting skill that's flawed. When it adds more max HP it ticks the charm when the skill is supposed to heal you. I have mine at lvl 7 and my life is 12K if it drops to 7K and use the tree skill it ticks the charm,WTF. Every time, unless I do it at 9K !!! But a skill shouldn't be…
  • Who said they were broke? The leaders are skimming the extra funds. example from what's been heard/told by members: 80 war team people get paid around 450K per war, and Evolution has 8 lands so that's 80M @ 450K per person war pay x 80 = 36M lets say Evolution spend 10m max on a war(that's being very very generous). OK so…
  • I predict next to fail is Evolution. They lost 50+ high level members and officers yesterday due to failed leadership and theft by the leader and veno marshall. Their main War team is gone. If you don't believe it ask around. b:laugh
  • Not to mention the CHARM PACKS THAT WERE SAID TO BE PERM !!!!!
  • Pretty sad that RoC has to try to make a thread to make themselves look cool by posting top 10 people. And they are RoC people that posted and responded to the thread. The only people that like RoC is RoC. Pathetic !!
  • IT WAS DELETED BY GM"S no wonder you can't find it. I am done with this post. I am thinking twice before I ever charge a cent again. I don't want to pay for a GM to belittle me and others.
  • Wow to my surprise others have seen the post by the GM Orinji saying the prices were going to be the same as PW-MY,wow I am such a liar huh. So GM Shazz You better say sorry for your wrong response then. You shot the messenger. I guess I did my research, you didn't. So you belittle me for telling truth. Better check…
  • *EDITED* please do not make price comparison posts comparing different versions of PW. Also, this post contains too much inflammatory statements that you are trying to incorerctly pass off as factual. This is your first and final warning. The Shazzbot
  • Nice another person with 1 post that has nothing to do with what I said. Read and reply again. They said they would MATCH other PW prices. Well we got shafted with prices AFTER you do the math and CONVERT the EXCHANGE rate we got prices 3X more. And you must be new to the game.
  • While your at it , do us all a favor and lower ZEN prices. Want my business then get serious. Match PW-MY simple. Didn't a GM say they would have prices the same as other PW , instead we got 3X higher? And bad reasons why? Fix the pricing get my business simple!
  • Now seth and Codekitty or kitten is exploiting the glitch, they are the ONLY 2 that can attack out of the WHOLE server I got SS to prove it that a unfair advantage and there are like 5000 bosses in the water. GM want SS just ask, you need to roll back server so these 2 dont get unfair drops while the rest watches and can…
  • Been 2 days since I sent a screen shot of me hitting lvl 40 with a witness in the screen shot. My CB name was SEXYMEAT and the witness is DrPepper. He got his Free Zen for lvl 40 10 minutes later I hit 40 so where's mine? I haven't received a response of any kind and NO FREE ZEN YET. What the hell are you guys doing????…
  • That's is the dumbest and most insulting explanation yet for Zen prices. And to make it worse after sending a email with Screen Shot of me hitting lvl 40 I still cant get my free Zen, sorry but what the hell? I feel scammed. So I basically got screwed 2 times by you guys. I will take my money to PW-MY and not spend a cent…
  • Well everyone I know got their free Zen , I didn't get mine either. And the prices are VERY VERY BAD in the cash shop. I spend $100 + in PW-MY so back to there with my cash. So far OB has been a bust. I think I am going back to PW-MY until they get there S--T straight around here.:mad::mad::mad:
  • Excuse me I hit lvl 40 and I haven't received my ZEN but my friends have. I go to the link and it says NO ZEN. So where is it. I was SEXYMEAT in LOST CITY for CB. someone stole my name for OB.
  • What the hell is wrong with theses people. I didnt even get my FREE ZEN as promised for hitting lvl 40. And now the prices are stupid. I guess I am going back to PW-MY unless they fix this quick.
  • OK OK thats good to hear, just wondering where all the other cool mounts and flying tools, etc. were. Hope it comes in OB. But yes you are right alot is there vs. PW-MY. Now I hoping no more delay's.
  • I buy from offgamers now but thats for PW-MY and here they said they will not have outside sources or third parties selling there gold/cubi's they are going to sell direct. 1000 cubi coin are worth 100 cubi gold in game and that's at $30-31 USD. I am not like alot of the people that will be on the server, I am a paying…
  • Damn what does it take to get real answers around here from GM's. Answer the question first post ed please. WHEN WILL THE OTHER 2 SERVERS OPEN PLEASE !!!! Look simple I am a big spender in PW-MY and want to come to PWI WEST COAST, so its easy to answer now right? :mad: