dagnarus1234 Arc User


  • They took it away because ti is a bug. they put it back because werefox's cried ad cried for a couple months till they did. Once a bug always a bug. in this case put the bug back on purpose to make people stop crying.
  • All u have to do if u want to see the difference in dmg for bleed over time is log in and test it . Get a barb , archer , cleric.. veno with nix or wasp , all the same the lvl , and test it dueling, u will see the difference between the bleeds , then go test your bleeds dmg on mobs on each of those classes. u will see the…
  • Yeah the genie will fix the bug that they should have fixed long ago. " spend more money and be able to play this game fairly with a genie that only costs XXXX " there forcing people to pay to get the bug fixed that should have been fixed long ago. Again it shows the desperation in the people who run this game. There…
  • Accually the skill is bugged , its dmg on players in the same as it is on mobs and doesn't reduce like it should in pvp . It does the same in Twiglight Temple , when your attacking bosses it doesnt reduce like all other skills.