dagas Arc User


  • WTF was 3h left on the counter when I went to bed and now that I woke up it says 1d 5h 50min even at Pacific time that cannot be on the 19th. Is the counter broken or something?
  • I live in Europe and I rather play on a European server, it will be less lag and people will have the same time zone +- an hour. Having different servers for east and west does make sense though since America is so huge. The distance from NY to LA is about the distance from London to NY I think.
  • Too bad that fashion items are going to cost. I don't care about epic gear or super skills, but the fashion is what made this game look interesting. I hope it's not going to be too expensive. I think at least some fashion items should be possible to buy with in-game money and if you want something really special it might…
  • I thought I paid much for my two EVE Online subscriptions, but you guys seem to spend more money a month on this supposedly free game. I played the MY-EN version for a couple of hours and it seemed okey, but if I have to pay that much I'm not going to play this game. I don't understand how anyone could spend 150 dollars a…