this is one totally awesome and detailed guide!! rocking on \m/ thanks a lot for the info! am sure i can play it well now especially the confusion over which skills to level makes the difference... phew!! thanks man :) rock on
lol good enough to be called a pro in my eyes b:chuckle i cant play a guitar well :| got only 1 year of training :P
alright thats defitely a Pro guitarist we r seeing here b:shocked
i still am so confused whether to join HT or Sanct dang both have such good friendly players :|!!!!! u r lucky to be able to decide so easily cute b:sad
@kittennice LOL that would only build up the frustration of ppl for me :D but well who cares :P its fun to be PKed at times too b:laugh unless it gets a bit too freuqent -.- b:surrender
sorry had a power cut :P lol! well u r a pro? O.O how long have u been playing the guitars?
ooooooo lucky to have popped up around this time then b:laugh @kiki and everyone thanks a lot b:thanks @cute thanks for asking abt avatar :P i had the same problem Lolworthy stuff b:laugh
@kittennice hohohoho well i cant understand german at all :P but i do listen to german bands like rammstein and all :D about the spamming part b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle ME LOVES SPAMMING b:victory the exact reason why i used to get PKed by high levels :P
hehe by OFC the convention would be the warm welcome from PWI players... and i was equally surprised as u are.. just about an hour ago i had posted a topic and boooooooom all the veterans replied within 5 minutes... now i knw what char i have to make , how to adjust stats and what all to do thanks to them b:chuckle ppl…
LOL the minute i had seen SLAYER i was like YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY b:victory the 1st person to reply to my post (and so damn fast) is a metal fan :P so we sure had something huge in common b:chuckle
hello :) I am new too nice to knw u :P unfortunately i am a total newbiwe so cant be of help to u... though the veterans here will guide u excelently :D b:laugh and ofc welcome to PW though i have not yet been able to play cause of server maintenance >_< hohohoho
metal FTW \m/ I too am in love with them... needled 247 is another lovable song... 6 pounder too :D unfortunately the blood drunk album was a let down b:cry ah well Alexi Lahoi still rocks b:laugh
O.O not to mess with u then O.O or else X_X Lucifer O.O I wud sing this every time i get PKed then b:laugh " Children of bodom The faint blaze of the candle of my life slowly dying like a fire in the pouring rain No sparks of hope inside No shooting stars on my sky On broken wings, no flying high Another night, another…
@tear U r the Dark overlord of Sancturay? who is probably trying to overthrow some1 or trying to eliminate some1 who is a threat? b:shocked oh boy might i be treading uncharted waters here? :P @sleekit and kittennice HT O.O HT O.O HT O.O *pulls hair apart* confusion is such an amazing thing... it turns a person numb…
@sleek guess i wud be mroe of a liability than a minion b:laughb:laughb:laugh
LOL! wont ppl just go around PKing low level me in HT for spamming b:chuckle cause dang! i love spamming :P atleast that has been my trade mark in most games i played :P and yes I used to get pked for talking and talking even when i was down on the floor b:shocked
b:chuckle lol I could do that too :P so many servers to join O.O its like choosing a certain variety chocolate out of a room full of chocolates dang!b:chuckle
@Sleekit and TearValerin Thanks a lot again guys :D will pm u soon enough TearValerin :P thnks a lot O.O b:thanks
@sleekit ty :) one more question ... are all the servers located in the US? cause i play from the other side of the globe so i was wondering if there was a server closer by O.o
@Tearvalerin & Kittennice O thank u so much for ur prompt reply :D I shall go for sanctuary then b:thanks and archer it is :) thanks a lot once again I suppose I can get to knw about the pets and all that would be advisable for me from the archer guides ^_^ have fun and take care :) thanks a lot once again good luck…
oops i forgot to mention about the servers too :) could some1 gimme a hint as to whats the difference from server to server? O.o and are all the servers in the US or are stationed at various other places all over the globe :) Thanks again and sorry if i am being a bother