crystyl Arc User


  • I did the free update to Windows 7 from Vista and everything works fine.....well still works like Windows at least. Didn't have to reinstall PWI or anything else. I actually think Windows 7 is running very well so far.
  • My most favorite thing in the entire world of PWI is the feature which allows you to turn off WC!
  • Ripping you off is putting a gun to your head and taking your wallet. Call the police. You push the "ok" button to buy Zen? Call ......? And to be honest they're not ripping you off. Even the lowest "prize" has value and can be used to help increase your chances to succeed in the game. For example 2 or 3 gold will get you…
  • Although there are different ways to build a cleric I chose Cleric to actually "Be" a Cleric. I rarely fly any distance to rez unless it's for a A friend but I will heal or buff people near me when they ask. I have occasionally flown to someone only to find someone else has rezzed them (would have been nice if they had…
  • They probably need you to build up Spark first.
  • I know this isn't a bug but one effect the genies have obviously had on the game is LAG. Archosaur lag has gotten much worse since the update. Not that this will happen but it would be helpful if everyone put them away while in any city.
  • Did you just use the words "girlfriend" and "logical" in the same sentence? b:chuckle b:laugh
  • I started my online gaming with NeverWinterNights 1 and 2, Which I still play a lot. The small user supported RP servers are totally different experiences than MMorpg's. I have played Final Fantasy online and EveOnline which has great visual effects but got boring after a month or two. I have played PerfectWorld since the…
  • So I just saw that the thread about certain players harrassing others in PK mode was closed because the OP was blacklisted. First off, the OP had a legitimate complaint (so I hope being blacklisted by the player he was complaining about or his friends wasn't used against him) and I wanted to mention it as a "game" issue…
  • This has been happening since the beginning and posts about it are scattered throughout the forum but the solution is to install the "Asian Language pack" for Windows. (fixed it for me. )
  • I think this is where this should go. I have chosen an avatar and uploaded a Signature for the forum but still see the "?" avatar and no signature although my control panel shows both correctly.
  • To add my own cash shop Ideas I really think more dyes and clothing would be purchased if the colors were NOT random! i know i have refrained from buying something I wasn't sure I would like. Why not try giving us a color choice for a while and see if it results in more sales , please?
  • You quoted it but didn't read it. He said they would probably get more than twice as many people.
  • Unless you want them to call you at home to let you know, the home page of the website does show the status of the servers so i would check there first.
  • On a Pve server it is Harrassment if you attack players many levels below you and continue even after you are asked to stop. Twist the rules anyway you like but it IS harrassment not enjoying a game with friends..
  • I had this same thing and someone said to install the "Asian language" support for Windows. this solved the problem. Thanks by the way to whoever told me that!
  • Before you start checking and changing things at random think about what might have changed since you last "could" login. Have you installed or uninstalled something? Have you changed a setting in some network related software? Has you Antivirus/firewall software been set back to "defaults"? Were you trying to login in…
    in Help! :( Comment by crystyl October 2008
  • Why not ask the tech support people on the website you bought the account from?
  • Just something I thought would be entertaining with the millions of Shop cats clogging the server. have the eyes be animated. It would be fun to see them blink at random and look around the area at players nearby.
  • I have seen this mouse issue several times as well. I tried playing in "windowed" mode but don't like the smaller screen. I have changed a setting in the video that took me out and back again causing the same mouse issue. Surely this can be fixed instead of worked around?
  • Yes. How awful it must be for the "seasoned veterans" .who were never new players themselves of course, to have to "put up" with new players who would like to play "their" game too. the nerve!
  • 1. Today in less than an hour My system locked up completely,several times, requiring me to power off my computer to recover. Sure it could be a computer problem but I have no other problems with my system and I have been playing daily since I joined the closed beta. 2. Personally, I think the cities have become cluttered…
  • For me, at least, the answer is very simple. Those of us who do not enjoy PvP, PK'ing and all that goes along with it have come to the PvE server to avoid it.
  • This is a problem I have seen since I started playing in the closed Beta as well. If you switch out to windows desktop then try to get back in the game the mouse stays with windows. Meaning the mouse cursor does not go back to the PW cursor and any click minimizes the game and takes you out to the desktop. I had this…