In this case where its a game the best way to protest is to walk away from the game. If the majority feels the same it will be noticed and would hurt there sales . No one on these boards can change the game so no amount of protesting would make the slightest of difference. As far as the board admin goes they work for the…
Yes i have but you did not phrase it as being foolish, instead you chose to use prophanity and theres a difference. Its not what you say but how you say it.
Once again some one spoils there own post by calling others names. They may well have deserved to get baned i dont know but why did you call them **** wits ?.
This + bump
Maybe people feel the same about your post ? talk about the pot calling the kettle black
You ruined your own post the moment you called people monkeys . Your post for that reason can clasified as being as bad as the people your complaining about.
There the voice of the company on these forums . The company comes first we come second. So if the company makes changes that the populus doesnt like its there job to make us believe its done in good faith. In this particular case they did that by saying we would be compensated. What ever the company does they will not…
From what ive read common courtesy was shown by people asking for answers to questions in PM's to the CM/mods. However from what i gather these were largely ignored . Does ignoring a person asking you a question that you have the answer to deserve there respect ?. Like i said respect is something you earn not something…
That was not the question read it again
Respect is someting you earn its not a god given right
Ill vote no to that aswell b:chuckle
Hmm you said simple yes or no i couldnt put no it said message was too short and needed 5 characters b:cry
I personaly think this whole mess could have been dealt with alot better and quicker . Stick to schedualed patch days and dont implement patches close to weekends thats just asking for trouble. The moment they knew there was an exploit of this kind the servers should have been taken down ,a roll back implemented and the…
I doubt verry much you would travel any great distance to rezz some random person. For a start they would have to use w/c to ask and only an Idiot would take a chance the person still needs a rezz by the time they got there. As for charging for a rezz in the first place get over it your a cleric please yourself if you do…
<< Umm you are contradicting yourself now, first you say bosses has no guards when wined,and then you say they are never removed. make up your mind.>> I think your missunderstanding what hes saying . In ALL OTHER Fb's when wined boss guards are still their the wine doesnt remove them. If FB59 bosses have guards then the…
ATeam Naohusa
All games ive played have issues . EQ1 had the worst ive ever known you could wait a whole day . We use to joke about it saying claiming it was the GM's quality playtime. WOW isnt far behind that and they have the money to get it right. Ive known Wow to have a downtime of 10 hours depending on server be up for an hour and…