cqu3nce Arc User


  • shoot, in this matter, roll back is needed. let everyone start from beginning. gold were lost, people took advantage of the fact that they are buying holloween packs for 10k each, while we spend real life money on guardians angels. this is not fair. roll back should be done. its not being selfish, its clearly the right…
  • gah, there should be one, but i already know there isnt going to be. i have spend $30 usd on guardian angels. REAL MONEY was spent on this event. There people that spent 10k on holloween packs and us use guardian angels. Doesnt seem fair at all.
  • the best stats allocation for a cleric build would be in Vitality and INT, dont place anything on agility or str unless it specifically asked you to add these attributes on it. such as in magic swords, some of em wants 9 strs and if thats the final sword on the game, then cap your str based on that and focus on your main…
  • STR Build FAILS!