Light off I just !@$! my pants and I dont want any one to see. T-T !@$! use your imagination for what be their.
Thanks it's just with a rare amount of cleric it migth get ether extreamly fun or hetic. Come on dont tell me it's not fun being having a cleric ratio of 1:100 their whoude be a higher demand for clerics. And hell I find it fun in other games to be the only cleric and try to keep every alive. Sorry for my crappy grammer…
Thank you very much for writing this guide. It will help me in the long run I geuss. Just a quick question. Are cleric rare or populare in this game Im not done DL the game and I just want to know if their rare or not. Either way im still making a cleric. Again Thank You for writing the guide
Granted but the Pogo stick is actrully a giant snake and when you use it once turns around and kills you. Mean huh.. I wish for more cookies,