coleminor3 Arc User


  • Also, I'll be willing to provide any information neccessary to you guys.
  • the game is fun for free... but its funner when u can buy stuff u want lol.. i just think on some of the things they should cut us a better deal, they're selling us imaginary toys lol, they don't have to pay anything at all for the items they sell in botique... so its 100% profit, then minus server costs, advertising, and…
  • I don't know how many of you are familiar with a game called Never Winter Nights.. Now that game is freakin crazzzzy! It rocks for real lol.. But so does perfect world, in a different way.. so check this... In [removed], or [removed]... There are ALOT more classes of chrs.. For instance, of your main classes, you have…
  • The anniversary packs suck! All i've ever gotten is tokens of luck.. I can buy 15 tokens of luck for cheaper than an anniversary pack.. now I understand that you can't get anything rare on your first try and all, but how much money does a person have to spend to get somethin good from this game?? I'm embarrassed to say it…
  • also, if the bountys are placed automatically from the npc, and the coin for collecting the bounty comes from the npc, and not another player, that opens the door for fraudulent behavior, glitches, loopholes, and whatnot.. You should also attach a fee, like at the auctioneer when selling gold.. if you want to place a…
  • I kinda like the idea.. but i think it would be cool if you could personally place a bounty on another player.. like, i goto an NPC and it'll ask me who i want the bounty on, in which case I type the players name. Then, it will ask me how much money I'm puttin out as the bounty, could be anywhere from 20k to millions,…