coldvictim Arc User


  • Thanx for adding the file for us it works flawlessly with all verified im ready for it to start now so its confirmed.let them know something wrong with their client download laf.
  • same situation here only i have a 10 meg speed so i downloaded it 4 times doing everything possible in different ways to get it to work and im relieved to know im not overlooking some stupid bs that causing this as i am a good troubleshooter. I will try the 500meg data4.pck u posted to see if it fixes this…
  • im having the same bs i downloaded the game 4 times now using all different methods all official, also got latest winRAR which doesnt effect it. Something about part 4 is corrupt blah blah i never had this much trouble with a download in my i ask you simply wth is going on and why me?
  • /emote ColdVictim points his Ruger .223 to his head and commits suicide blowing fragments scattering all over this topic.