Grtz, now you can see our IPs
Yeah, i can tell. It doesn't reset due maintances. After using the 16 first slots, you must use the other 16 manually. I.E. You must drag an item (tokens) then pick and replace with an item in the inventory (Right click doesnt work after 16 slots) Here is the answer of yor question:
Sorry, I wont tell XD (Glitches arent supposed to be dissussed on forum). here a proff. DW few mins ago Edit: yes you must have one item in the bottom.
I've gliched my acc stash, and Ive double. ATM one must have at least 1 item un the second accstash to keep it up.
Ive the same problem. Ive the same name in both servers. Actually playing on DW, and I DON'T want "DW" in my main character name ¬_¬
Good to know. Ty
I want to know about: " If you have characters on both servers, no need to worry! Accounts with more than 8 characters on 2 merged servers will still be able to access all of them. Note that you still cannot create additional characters if you have at least 8 existing ones." I.E. If my name is "Chuck" in DW, then... My new…
Could someone tell at what time it take place in dreamweaver? Im sure isn't at 5pm server time... No always.
Yeah, just get some lvls, It'll fix...
,> @sylenthunder said: > > What do you mean by "lock"? There is an option in your user settings to disable the display of them, or to just hide the images in them. Yup, I meant Block. Ill check that options Thanks. Signatures with in game stuff are ok, but most of them are a big sized unrelated images... Check tht dingo's…
An option to lock signatures. Most of the are gross.