chkplz Arc User


  • now tht is a great idea
  • i never once said i was pkd by a high lvl player i said high lvls camp low lvl areas pk is easy to deal with no whining involved and man is tht all u guys thnk is whining cuz i say high lvl players camp low lvl areas for quest and honor hmm lets see thr is honor in all walks of life. Cuz ur high lvl and camping low lvl…
  • why is it u thnk whining i know whr and wht im doing i know im on pk server and by choice but whine not at all warning yes and maybe u one of these tht camp is why u say these thngs wht i thnk and made u mad cuz im telling u the truth u one of the weak heart ppl is tht it \
  • whr in here do u see whining all i said was u high lvls got no heart no nothing to scared to play with lvl tht r a challenge got to camp low lvl areas so whr and whn did i whine . i do thnk tht a 30 + lvl camping quest areas is bs and should be dealt with how else r lowbies supposed to lvl if high lvls r camping the quest…