chewy3 Arc User


  • doesn't mean you can just omit it. its 17% in matk so its ~850 extra healed vs what 690 HoT? virtually the same.
  • Klath where did you even get that number? Wellspring is 1.5 channel 1s cast for 2.5s or 5s total for 2 casts? Also lvl 1 stream already surpasses pure heart at lvl 10 so I'm further confused here or did you mean in spike healing?
  • I don't see how TB gets weaker as you gain magic as cyclone works the nearly the same way as TB. Cyclone = base + weapon + static instant damage while TB = base + static DoT. Since base is used in both the only difference is their static and a weapon. The best weap to my knowledge is the HH sword 513-714 matk so we'll use…