charlotter Arc User


  • As of my previous response, I have searched the posts and none of the answers have helped me, if you were not such a trumped up pompous *** you would have actually paid attention to what I was saying. Instead you try to be the big I AM when infact you are nothing of the sort perhaps as obnoxious in real life as you try to…
  • There is no need to be rude about it, I have searched this forum for answers and none of it has helped hence I am asking the question again. Not sure I want to get it sorted now if there are people like you playing the game.
  • Hi I am trying to download the game, but I keep getting a notepad pop up saying [autorun] open=Install.exe icon=icon.ico It is fine on the installer until i click accept then it crashes and pops up the notepad, please can somebody help me with this? I have done all the troubleshooting turned anitvirus off, turned UAC…