Actually, your stolen entry is a simple 1:1 copy-paste action. You've taken direct artwork from someone else and submitted it as your "ORIGINAL WORK", which is just a lame scam. With so many people here, who have submitted the REAL work and spent many hours and dedication on ther submissions, you've copied something from…
STILL STOLEN entry is a 1:1 COPY PASTE ARTWORK FROM: Blue Fire White Tiger by njmwarfare55 ©2014-2018 njmwarfare55 Shame on you MoonFire, you even deleted the watermark that was put on the picture to save it from beeing stolen without contacting the…
This mount is STOLEN, copy+paste Artwrok from: COPY+PASTE Stolen Artwork 1:1 from:
STOLEN COPY PASTE artwork by ©Games Workshop limited 2012. All Rights Reserved. from:
ddd Stolen artwork from: StkZ613 @ Deviantart
Here we go, follwing entries are stolen artwork/copy pasted from other sources from the internet and used as ther ORIGINAL entries: Using already excisting mount of mmorpg called Riders of Icarus: Stolen from Youtube video: Lowrider copy+pasted from:…