cerebos Arc User


  • Actually, your stolen entry is a simple 1:1 copy-paste action. You've taken direct artwork from someone else and submitted it as your "ORIGINAL WORK", which is just a lame scam. With so many people here, who have submitted the REAL work and spent many hours and dedication on ther submissions, you've copied something from…
  • STILL STOLEN entry is a 1:1 COPY PASTE ARTWORK FROM: Blue Fire White Tiger by njmwarfare55 ©2014-2018 njmwarfare55 https://njmwarfare55.deviantart.com/art/Blue-Fire-White-Tiger-452258277 Shame on you MoonFire, you even deleted the watermark that was put on the picture to save it from beeing stolen without contacting the…
  • This mount is STOLEN, copy+paste Artwrok from: http://empire-of-games.ru/art_23671.html COPY+PASTE Stolen Artwork 1:1 from: http://mythology.net/mythical-creatures/bahamut
  • STOLEN COPY PASTE artwork by ©Games Workshop limited 2012. All Rights Reserved. from: https://warosu.org/tg/thread/25922223
  • ddd Stolen artwork from: StkZ613 @ Deviantart https://stkz613.deviantart.com/art/Steam-powered-mechanical-spider-287859952
  • Here we go, follwing entries are stolen artwork/copy pasted from other sources from the internet and used as ther ORIGINAL entries: Using already excisting mount of mmorpg called Riders of Icarus: Stolen from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvy8XOeD0mw Lowrider copy+pasted from:…