cellie Arc User



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  • So it would seem, I got the Axis boss down, it propably had something like 2 mil hp, but 2 steps forward from that (if you got a dice of 2) there's a room of lucky chests and nothing to do, there's an npc who sells tickets & exchanges, but offers no quests and the lucky chests cannot be interacted with, so the only way to…
  • What's with the Axis of Fate boss, I can't hurt it at all? I see cute numbers going but his hp's won't budge. The first attack is the only attack that hurts him and after that his hp's will just stick wherever they were left by that first attack. I'm a blademaster.
  • Not to mention that there should be alot more different looking fashion items. I'd propaby buy some set of fashion from the shop at some point, but I've yet to see anything I like (yeah, I'm picky).
  • Yeah, if they listened to me, hieros would either disappear completely or be nerfed seriously :/ Other than that, I don't mind high prices since I don't think the cash shop items should be available like candy but rather to be used on special occasions (like TW).
  • Meepy meep.
  • Here's another one: NPC: Old Hunter 498, 970 Quest: My Obese Sweetheart - Wheelchair Materials He says in dialog that he needs logs and pig iron, but in reality he wants soft fur, the quest log entry is correct though.
  • Have to agree on these (except that the buff shouldn't give more than +100% exp, other than that, there should be a penalty for playing that 12 hours a day,say: first 2 hours of +100% exp, then 2 hours of +0% exp and if you play more than 4 hours a day, you get -50% for the rest of the time, and no, i'm not a casual player…
  • Why do you still have to keep going? :( 1. I didn't flame you. You can scroll all the way back to page 16 and see, all I did was told of my experienses with RQ after which I only responded to mystics insults (and I don't respond well to insults). 2. I didn't make it into a big deal, I only told what happened, a little less…
  • Yes, you should get some sleep, as you're missing all the points and half of the text, not to mention your logic doesn't function very well, why don't you think about the whole thing from the beginning before you make a bigger fool out of yourself. No hard feelings, but instead of those endless insults you've got, I'm…
  • Hey, I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, (like I said, I don't mind ganking, it just happens) I just mentioned how ridiculous the disclaimer was in the light of what happened, and it started escalating when mystic started calling me a liar and whatever other insults can be found here. That's what I don't take…
  • You're really weird, first you make a disclaimer where you mention how ganking is lame, then you start calling me a liar when I let you know your guild has these gankers in it and finally when I clear it up you still have nothing more to say than ********, you're a real flame warrior, all your posts contain nothing more…
  • Still you're an idiot. They tried to gank me when I first left the town, didn't work out, afterwards, the archer was flying on top of me and I decided that if it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he gets, but the chicken didn't start fighting until the whole gank party was ganking again.
  • Too bad I didn't take ss's at the site, here's practically a confession: http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/2544/20080824225715vf3.jpg So he called for help and poof, here's your gank. Altough I know that you propably wouldn't believe a word even if you were there when it happened, I'm still expecting an apology from you.
  • Right, quite a leader you are, until you go sort it out with your 'guildies', I'm just going to have to assume that you are nothing but a ganker guild, since whoever can write claims on forums like you and claim you're a respectable guild. Get your head out of your **** and either shut up or deal with the matter, since it…
  • Fine, believe whatever you want, but until you've spoken with christine (and whoever the 2 others were, shame I don't recall their names), please shut the hell up with your accusations. You said you were the guild leader of RQ? Then why don't you start acting like it? PS. What the hell is "doing 9/11"?
  • Looks to me like that 5 years has just gone to your head, and not as experience or ability to see anything. A week before now, I had never even heard of RQ (nor any other guild in this game) and those things I've heard are from people talking on streets ingame and most of that chatter pointed to the fact that RQ was a…
  • Well, it's good to see what you guys are really like; you just try to keep a fake public face where you present yourselves as a 'respectable' PK'ers, while ingame you do whatever you want and some such, then when someone asks "wtf is going on with you?", you just sprout bullcrap without even knowing anything about the…
  • Why don't you ask your guildies yourself what they were doing in the silver pool earlier today, at the same time you'll find out if they're liars or not. Your guildies acted quite differently back there than on your precious videos, I was doing cult in the silver pool area, suddenly I see this werebeast running away from…
  • Are you sure? The only thing I've seen RQ do so far is gank people in 3v1 situations, when it's 1v1, it doesn't matter what class you are or where you are, they run away with tails between their legs until they get the 3v1 situation again.
  • Some equipment models have quite a glitch in them, when you crouch to say, pick up herbs or open boxes, the characters butt comes through the equipment model and well, it looks kinda dirty.
  • Care to give a source + more info on this one?
  • Fine, I'll take the instructions out from here. Oh wait, I defragmented my hard drive, that certainly modified the files when it copied the files around the hard disk, :eek:.
  • Just to clarify, you _can_ do this straight up in game, it's just a hell of a lot more work that way (copying slider positions to the preset that has the body type you want). The result is exactly the same wether you copy the slider positions from one preset to another or use notepad to do so in a fraction of time.
  • E: There's no way to change the tail afterwards.
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