cece9 Arc User


  • It's not like you guys buy them when they're not on sale anyway. calm your monkeys. they're not gonna be available not on sale, gonna be back on sale whenever they choose. not like anythings gonna change...sales are the only time they sell anyway.
  • I don't say this because the class I am but because I do feel that this needs to happen. I will admit to being biased because I am a terrible caster, I don't play one, I have never played one well, let alone in pvp, and I am a melee dd at heart. In my opinion BMs are terribly limited but so are any class that is played as…
  • So I am a 100% free player and this is what i've discovered while trying to gear my bm. First off i used to wear this gear and it served me great while i worked on other gear or other toons depending on the time period. ~ R8 top ~ interval pants ~ tt99 HA boots and wrists ~ LA evasion ornies ~ lunar cape ~ dex tome ~ r8…
  • Same happeneing on Archo server
  • Turn on 2x... we got stuffs to farm before tw D:b:cry