I am not same person as Nounours
Why to appreciate worthless stuff?
Thank you very much for ruining all those nice stuff my sweetheart wrote. All that my Nounours said is true so you didnt "fix", you ruined all.
He has a life outside this stupid forum (unlike most of you). SO STOP COMPLAINING. It is just a small mispelling. Zip your mouth you ****!!
Yes, I agree. People who dont know what is love shouldnt talk about love. I love you my sweetheart.
I love my Nounours and our love is true. We are already engaged and we know that we will always stay together. What right do you have to insult love when you havent felt it? When you have really felt love you will understand. Someone wrote that love is hard to maintain and that is true, but when you really love someone…
Quote: Originally Posted by chriscrocker Leave Nounours alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, leave him alone! Dear Gm, people are teasing and insulting nounours since the begning of this thread, thats why i disagree with your message! You are not complaining the right person. Look nournours reaction ageist this: He seems really…
Really, I sugest you to shut up, you seem alredy enought big headed like this.
**** arent normal why should they marry?
Can't you read? This topic is closed like it is written right there in up. So it is you spamming when you continue writing in already closed topic. And do you want to roll through many pages of topics? He probably thought there werent any topics like that before and so would I. It's not like everyone has time to spend…