FYI when you spam threads screaming you don't really care... it means you do care. the fact that you take time to get info on them also dissproves your statement. but i don't expect someone of your intelligence to ever grasp this concept. seems like FO is having a whole of fun while others *Xtacy* are so busy worrying…
LMFAO! sure if kiting is your version of good. not that Sil is that much better but at least she knows how to actually kill people.
one thing i find sad about LC, and maybe as widespread as the game, fickleness. loyalty is in short supply and friendships last moments. greed and power motivate people more than anything and players jump ship at the drop of a hat. if you can rip someone off (think fake UltiSubs) you are over joyous. idk your story, but…
Harvester versus CQ -->As part of the so-called “QQ-Alliance” and on the payroll, Harvester does not seem to have progressed in any way. They are more focused on PvP it would seem then leveling and gearing their members. There is no doubt that this war will be relatively short, unless CQ decides to “play” a little bit, but…