bullfrog Arc User


  • As i know you are the ones who made/develop Perfect world :) if its true probably you made Q-World too, is it possible to implent some smart things from Q-world to PW international (same engine) like Auto Move (click on the map and the character run/fly there automaticaly) ?
  • its a not a BUG, but i think most of ppl or at least the half of the gamers will be from Europe, yesterday i logged in and i see that events starts at 3 pm...it is the forest ruins event...its okay 3 pm...but for europeans 3 pm is +7-8 hours so the 5 hours long event starts at 10-11 PM on SUNDAY so the next day gonna be…
  • I know you cant do anything but realy annoying that....I have a QuadCore PC@3200mhz with 2gb Ram, and HD4850 VGA and the game in full graphic reach only 14-18 FPS in ADC WEST >< (Crysis @ ultra high graphic : the minimum was 20 FPS and the avarage around 30 FPS so its funny :D)
  • BUGS in PW MY-EN -Venomancer Pet bugs like Bleeding affect 1k damage every 3 seconds (no damage penalty against humans) Also in Holy HALL of Dusk the PET doing more damage for lvl[?] bosses than Venomancer or Archer (my lvl74 WereFox doing 800 damage agains HH2-2 bosses, and the Golem hit 1500~2000) -Graphic bug with WF,…