brutikusiv Arc User


  • Think they'd add everything under the moon to draw in cash. Especially items that'd boost zen sales and provide more items for the non paying players to least farm coins to buy with. Than again IMHO their best planners have long since called out the $1000/mo. budget PW is allowed for maximum profits. Thus I doubt we'll see…
  • I have absolutely NO IDEA where your drawing your hypothesis from here and I am curious why you think pets need lightsabers and energy star destruction cannons but hey it's your imagination. Just a little bit of enlightenment to you since you don't understand my post. Veno's tame dozens of pets and more often than not be…
  • I could use some meds... Makes watching the munchkins dance around the fire on the login screen more enjoyable. b:laugh
  • oh what truth lies in those words.
  • Just do what I did finally. Play another game, rift , *** , etc, they're all the same regardless of what Anyone Says. You login, smash buttons to faceroll stuff , pve , pvp, w/e floats your boat. A good guild with vent and making new friends goes 4000000 times further than time spent raving about changes needed :…
  • Read between the lines. It's simple. The game needs a serious rework. APS brought melee's into endgame bliss. Everyone else got cookies . Oh wait no cookies...
  • 3 weeks nonstop cofrm4 O.O.. poor monitor.. <see above :P > On another note pet bag +20 , pet hypers x12, New 4 APS 5th skill added for pets (anything melee deserves this I think IMO) < very hard to get> . loads and loads of stuff they could do to improve venos. Guess they're happy with chest sale this, box sale that,…
  • Wonder how many of those you need to buy to ultimately win a herc :P Can always /pray.
  • Sign no fun left in this post. First post should have been. "They are permanantly taking the servers down!! PWI is disbanding!" LOL nah j/k. But OP its way to easy to always check above. It's always there.. "Sticky : Server Maintenance tonight" b:laugh Cause you panicked and didn't even bother to read the Stickys' b:chuckle
  • Every forum has trolls. Don't even respond to them. Feeding them makes them fatter..... IMO If I were you. I'd choose prime times and login into each , get a few tele's and see what kinda responses you get. See if any seem to meet 'YOUR' tastes/preferences. Give a few tries before making the decision than go from there.…
  • Yeah I'm just totally confused these days by PWI. I mean some of the easiest to implement and useful items they could Easily make money off of they're totally ignoring. And leveling a flying pet from 70 to 100 and 3 additional land pets is better done with a shotgun to the monitor... Lets not forget the poor Turtle. Mr.…
  • yay, 999,999,999 coins compensation on each existing character ! <gasps> Oh wait. What's that. Your just gonna let us play again... :D Oh well b:laugh
  • The disconnects have been horrible lately. I wonder who's not noticed their pet mouse is out and loose up at PWI server rooms.. . b:cry
  • Raging Tide down as well :/ . sigh. b:angry