brothermist Arc User


  • Well... it made the crazy stone quest ALWAYS stay available on quest list. However after doing it, and trying to get it again it just says "Incorrect Mission Time Span". However the mission shield is always abve the npc's head as available. Havent found any other new bugs yet, but I did just log on b:chuckle
  • oh, i'll add a screenie after i do errands... I have a lvl 50 genie with lvl 10 Tree of Protection... I figured out why others are having issues with ToP not working, with a lvl 31+ genie... Before the update your ToP could be lvl 9 at lvl 50 genie... after update lvl 9 wold require genie lvl 66. So if your genie has a ToP…
  • Never hear of the saying "If it isnt broke, dont fix it"? That would apply to the Genie skills. Tree of Protection is just fail now, as well as Holy Path. But I think Tree takes the cake. Not only is it way less effective, it now costs more, and needs a higher lvl to even use it? wow. But its not just that. I log in and…